In today's digital age, data is a crucial component of any marketing strategy. However, it's important to remember that the data we collect and use belongs to real people, and it's our responsibility to ensure that it's handled in a responsible and ethical manner. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just getting started, tune into this Marketing in a Minute to learn about navigating the complex landscape of data privacy.
(Marketing in a Minute Transcription)
Consumer privacy has been an important consideration dating back to 1999 when DoubleClick, the first online ad serving network, purchased Abacus Direct, the first offline transactional database.
The combined company became the first company that could combine offline data with online data and quickly set the standard for consumer privacy by ensuring consumers were provided Notice and Choice.
With the expansion of online advertising, additional regulations went into effect to further support consumer rights. GDPR, CCPA, and CCPR. To remain on the right side of consumer privacy and ensure compliance with emerging individual state regulations, advocates recommend taking the most stringent and comprehensive stance on privacy. Beyond notice and choice, consumers must have the opportunity to give consent. Whether that means opting in, opting out or understanding that usage of the website constitutes consent of the privacy policy. It means fully disclosing how visitor data is not just used, but how it is collected. And, because cookies are used to collect this data, it means providing instructions on how to opt out of cookie based advertising and how to prevent cookies from being placed on the users computer via email, digital or offline opt out options.
And, not to go unsaid, it means implementing the appropriate levels of security to keep this data safe and secure. Notice, Choice, Consent, Access, Security, Privacy – no four letter words here!
