NaviStone Blog

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Data Privacy from a Gen Z Perspective

Data Privacy from a Gen Z Perspective

This week's blog post is contributed by guest writer, Chloe Cunningham. Chloe is the Sales & Marketing Intern at NaviStone and an Honor student at the University of Cincinnati, Carl H. Lindner College of Business. She is also a proud member of Generation Z. 

What is Direct Mail Retargeting and How Does it Work?

What is Direct Mail Retargeting and How Does it Work?

What is Direct Mail Retargeting and How Does it Work?

In today’s high-tech, low touch world, it may be difficult to grasp the power of digital retargeting via direct mail since digital and print are siloed. If you’re like most marketers, you spend a lot of time and money driving website traffic.

The challenge is when most people reach your site, they’re not ready to buy.

Oracle Advertising News Leaves Direct Mail Marketers Stranded, Or Does It?

Oracle Advertising News Leaves Direct Mail Marketers Stranded, Or Does It?

A decade ago, I had an idea for a new way to create high-response prospect audiences for direct mail. It was completely different from anything available at the time. To my knowledge, no one had tried it, probably because most thought it wasn’t even possible. I figured out the how (now patented) and convinced a dozen clients/friends who used direct mail lists to test it.

Then I got the email that I thought doomed my idea to failure before the first mailing even went out.

Reviving Relationships: The Power of Direct Mail Re-Engaging Customers

Reviving Relationships: The Power of Direct Mail Re-Engaging Customers

In this digital age, where emails flood our inboxes and notifications bombard our screens, standing out amidst the noise can be a challenging feat. As businesses strive to maintain meaningful connections with their customers, one often-overlooked strategy emerges as a powerful tool for re-engagement: direct mail. In this blog post, we delve into the concept of utilizing direct mail to revive relationships with unsubscribed customers, exploring strategies, trends, and real-life successes.

Harnessing the Power of Purpose-Driven Marketing: Insights from Optics in Action CEO Ryan Weiss and NaviStone's Ted Bray

Harnessing the Power of Purpose-Driven Marketing: Insights from Optics in Action CEO Ryan Weiss and NaviStone's Ted Bray

In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, where algorithms evolve rapidly, and consumer behaviors shift unpredictably, one factor remains constant: the significance of purpose-driven marketing. In a recent podcast hosted by Ryan Weiss, CEO of Optics in Action, and featuring our very own Ted Bray, Chief Growth Officer at NaviStone, they dive into the transformative potential of purpose-driven marketing.

In the podcast episode titled, "The Power of Purpose-Driven Marketing," Ryan Weiss, and Ted Bray discuss the essence of purpose-driven strategies and their transformative influence on brands.

Let's embark on the key takeaways and insights shared by Ryan and Ted, shedding light on how purpose-driven marketing can propel businesses toward sustainable growth and lasting success.

Maximizing Marketing Success: Unleashing the Power of Look-a-Like Audiences

Maximizing Marketing Success: Unleashing the Power of Look-a-Like Audiences

In today's digital age, where competition for consumer attention is fiercer than ever, marketers constantly seek innovative strategies to amplify their efforts and drive success. Amidst this landscape, one powerful tool has emerged as a game-changer: Look-a-Like audiences. By harnessing the potential of Look-a-Like audiences, marketers can unlock new levels of precision, relevance, and effectiveness in their marketing campaigns.

Unlocking the Power of Digital Intent Data: A Marketer's Guide

Unlocking the Power of Digital Intent Data: A Marketer's Guide

Amidst the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for success. One of the most powerful tools in a marketer's arsenal today is digital intent data. This invaluable resource provides deep insights into consumers' online behaviors, preferences, and purchasing intentions, enabling marketers to tailor their strategies with pinpoint precision. In this blog, we'll delve into what digital intent data is, why it matters, the benefits it offers, and practical tips for incorporating it into your marketing strategies.

Unlocking the Power of Personalized Direct Mail: Bridging the Gap Between Brand Building and Performance Marketing

Unlocking the Power of Personalized Direct Mail: Bridging the Gap Between Brand Building and Performance Marketing

In today's rapidly evolving marketing landscape, the challenge of balancing brand building and performance marketing poses a major headache for marketers. The rise of data-driven strategies prioritizing measurable returns could overshadow the slower rewards of growing brand equity and loyalty overtime. In the past, marketers have considered these marketing strategies to be mutually exclusive, but this is far from the truth. Not only can performance marketing and brand building coexist in a company's marketing mix, they can actually benefit one another and help each other thrive. Reconciling these competitors could hold the key to unlocking the full potential of companies' marketing campaigns, and personalized direct mail could be a powerful tool to help marketers achieve this.

Guest Blog: Unlocking the Full Potential

Guest Blog: Unlocking the Full Potential

Data is the cornerstone of decision-making—we all know that. Yet, according to a study done by Forbes and Treasure Data, a staggering 44% of marketing professionals report that disparate data across channels significantly hampers their ability to deliver consistent customer experiences. This fragmentation not only dilutes the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also clouds the visibility of true performance metrics. At Rockerbox, we believe that the solution lies in the centralization of marketing data.

Revamping Marketing Strategies: Understanding Cart Abandoners

Revamping Marketing Strategies: Understanding Cart Abandoners

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, one of the greatest challenges marketers face is dealing with cart abandoners. These are the customers who browse your online store, add items to their cart, but then leave without completing the purchase. It's a frustrating phenomenon that can significantly impact your bottom line. However, with the right strategies in place, you can turn these missed opportunities into conversions.