The appeal of multiple channels for the consumer, requires advertisers to have a cohesive contact strategy across multiple channels. Take a minute to learn why marketers should be using the data provided in one channel to enhance the experience in another channel.
(Marketing in a Minute Transcription)
In today’s highly connected world, everyone is everywhere. Channels that were originally thought to be dominated by a certain demographic are now widely used by all demographics. My 80 year-old mother loves the internet and Facebook and my 23 year-old son loves seeing his name on a piece of direct mail.
Timing also plays a role. Regardless of my channel of preference today, depending upon what I’m doing and where I am, my channel of preference tomorrow could be different. But I’m still the same person with the same interests and needs.
When I’m traveling, I’m on my mobile device, browsing…but when I get home, I’m catching up on my mail… and when I finally have down time, I’m shopping at my favorite online or retail stores. Why shouldn’t advertisers take the data I provide when I am browsing to make my experience with mail, more meaningful to me?
The appeal of multiple channels for the consumer, requires advertisers to have a cohesive contact strategy across multiple channels. Use the data provided in one channel to enhance the experience in another channel.
Like PB and J. Like baseball and hot dogs. Direct Mail and Digital are just better together.