Lookalike Audiences

Find and Convert High-Potential Customers

Are rising advertising costs and shrinking audiences squeezing your prospecting?  Our Lookalike audiences, combined with several activation methods, provide new life to your customer acquisition program.

Woman smiling while conversing with others.

Harness previously untapped opportunities

Your best prospects start by searching online. They visit websites with a high degree of affinity to yours. Some then visit your website. Unlock the potential of these audiences.

Expand your prospect universe

Find prospects who are browsing websites that indicate they are in your top of funnel

Add more new customers

Boost retargeting results 10x from unknown prospects who visited your website, but left without converting

Supercharge prospect activation

Get something extra from your prospecting efforts. Add mid-funnel prospects to your customer database.

Expanded Reach

Expand your prospect universe

NaviStone’s lookalike audiences generate 1 million+ prospects each month for products and services with general appeal. Response rates are 20-40% higher than digital or direct mail prospect campaigns.

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Own Your Prospects

Build first party audiences

Personalized QR codes convert rented third party data into owned, high potential first party audiences that are added to your CRM

Don’t miss out

In-market consumers NOT on your website

Lookalike audiences are in-market for your product but aren’t visiting your website. They could be new to your category or customers of your competitor ready to try something new.

Man sitting at a desk on his phone and computer

Activation Options

Maximize productivity and efficiency

The top segment of lookalike acquires 10x+ more new customers than digital display when activated with a postcard. Activate the rest of the audience with digital display to improve performance by 20-40%

home furniture retailer
Home Furniture Retailer sees 5x ROAS using NaviStone Lookalike Audiences


Response Rate



Empower Your
Brand Today!

  • Accelerate Growth
  • Optimize Marketing Spend
  • Drive Loyalty